Astrology is a noble science and as old as the ages of the Vedas. The Celestial phenomena and the corresponding terrestrial events are explained based on the Planets positioned at the time of a query by a Querist. It can be defined as the message from the constellation of stars using the salient principles of Astrology depending on the position of planets ascertained astronomically and forecast events for the benefit of all.

The Whole world is running according to a well-defined plan and nothing happens by chance. Astrology can detail the cause and effect of events. As Astrology is integrated with divine nature, anything can be defined with amazing precision.

Yes. We can. According to our Founder Guruji Tirupur S. Gopalakrishnan (GK), the celestial body or the planets are ready with the answer and instigate you to post the question. An instantaneous answer to a question is always possible whereas horoscopes/natal charts are required only to know the events of the past, present and future over the years.

It is as good as you believe that you are alive and in existence. A Doctor administers medicine – mostly the same – for people affected by fever of different ages. Some recover quickly, a few have a relapse or one may even die. Here the same medicine was administered by the same Doctor for the same disease – but produced different results.

The fate of the consultant at the time of query, if he is running an unfortunate time will be disappointed to get bad results however much the Astrologer’s expertise be, in his case will err and result in wrong predictions. This holds equally good for the Astrologers’ too. While doing certain calculations, some mistakes may have crept resulting in a mess.

Nothing stops abruptly when an untoward incident occurs and continues with the passage of time. Every day we come across so many good and bad things on our way but keep moving unless it affects us badly. Birth and death occur in the same hospital. Happiness and sorrow engulf in the same place. The life continues.

The Consultant approaches the Astrologers with many expectations but experiences something else as predicted by the Astrologer. The Astrologer does not know who you are, your affairs in full or what you have in your mind. He takes only the moment you meet him (Prasna) or some other methods or your horoscope/natal chart for computation and based on this he makes his predictions. This may or may not be acceptable or expected by you. This is purely the reaction of the five primordial running through the mind of the Astrologer.

In General, Astrology has been classified under Six headings:

  • Ganita – Mathematical astronomy and mathematical astrology
  • Gola – Planetary systems, their nature and peculiarities
  • Jataka/Horoscope – Deals with predictions to be made on the basis of the rising sign at birth
  • Prasna – Forecasts being based upon the time of question
  • Muhurta – This refers to fixing up auspicious times for success in religious, secular, happy occasions, New Ventures and spiritual undertakings.
  • Omens or Nimitta – This is in consideration of tatkalika lakshanas or temporary phenomenon popularly known as Omens obtaining at a particular time and predictions are made on certain gestures.

Astrology has answers invariably to any type of question but the interpretations by the Astrologers and understanding the same by the querist stands apart. However, most of the questions put forth to the astrologers are mainly and broadly about

  • Family
  • Wealth and Finance
  • Education
  • Health and Beauty
  • Love and Marriage
  • Business and Career
  • Karma
  • Child
  • Relationship
  • Disease
  • Foreign Trip
  • Spiritual Astrology/Astrological Meditations

Yes. You are. Mostly all consultancies are one-to-one physically and online. Be assured that there will be no intervention of any sort during the appointed time. Unless you want people to accompany you during the ‘Prasna’ form of Astrological consultancy, everything will be confidential and confined to a Closed room.

You may accord or deny your willingness to record the proceedings – as a rare case of astrological features in your horoscope being an extraordinary one for research purposes – if the Astrologer seeks your consent.

We have computerised our appointment modules and once the mandatory columns are filled in you will be guided through various sub-menus for you to navigate and make your choice. We have a panel of expert Astrologers with decades of experience and you will be guided depending on your object and time frame. GK Astro Foundation and its Team members are always at your service to give you nothing but the best.

You are invited to GK Astro Foundation to have peace of mind. We assure you that you will feel relaxed wiping the pressurising/pricking questions out of your mind once you meet our Astrologers. You can definitely get to know about the consultancy charges and the mode of payment at the time of Registration where you will be ably guided and navigated to other portals. International Clients will be properly assisted through our support team.

Our Web portal will assist you with the choice of support services in securing books, spiritual articles (Malas, Karungali Idols of Supreme Gods, Specific Gods of your choice as suggested by our eminent Astrologers), spiritual rituals like Homams, Poojas – best Pandits who can perform them) etc.,

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